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Quincy & Tomasi Loop Utility Work

December 20

Late last week a contractor for the American Transmission Company began clearing trees from the full width of their powerline right of way in north Hancock. Initially it did not seem the work would have a material impact on our four trail/powerline crossings (Quincy trail & Tomasi Loop). But as the work continued this week the crossings became rougher and rougher to where a skier is likely to want to remove skis and walk across the intersections on Quincy and Tomasi Loops. Please be aware. Hopefully the work will be done soon and snow will fill back in. 

Likewise Tomasi Road was plowed earlier this week. Though the crossing corridors on the road initially had very rough berm barriers of large frozen ice chunks the Hancock DPW removed the berm barriers though one is advised to be on the lookout for stray ice chunks. The road itself has had very light traffic since plowing and with last night’s light snow the crossing corridors likely can be skied without removing skis. But those conditions are subject to change so proceed with caution at those crossings.

Posted on in General.

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