It's an outdoor paradise for silent sports enthusiasts. The Maasto Hiihto / Churning Rapids trails encompass more than 2,000 acres for hiking, mountain biking, classic skiing, snowshoeing, and backcountry skiing.
Through individual and family memberships, the Hancock Trails Club provides the year-round stewardship of the trails, which have trailheads in the City of Hancock and Hancock Township.
Something for all types of riders: flowy singletrack, weavy technical tracks, and even some two-tracks for relaxed riding. Over the last five years, we've built miles of new trails and renovated many others. Hikers are welcome on all trails.
Picture gliding through a gorge along the winding Swedetown Creek, a short ski from two trailheads! Fat bikes have a dedicated trail system, and snowshoers can opt for packed-in trails or an independent tromp through the woods.