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Trails Receive Generous Benefit From Giving Tuesday


It was an exciting day for the Hancock Trails Club on Friday January 24th.  That was the day that Copper Shores Community Health Foundation began distributing over a million dollars in community donations and foundation leverage to 49 Copper Country non-profits.  The Hancock Trails Club was among the qualified recipients picking up a check for $18,750 that will go to support various trail improvements. 

The Club recently completed a $50,000 project co-sponsored by Visit Keweenaw, the Meyers family of Chassell and Wuebben Construction that rerouted access to Swedetown Creek featuring  the exciting Creekside Connector trail and Kuparisilta (Copper Bridge) over Swedetown Creek.  Hundreds of volunteer man hours were dedicated to the project showing the community’s appreciation of these wonderful trails.

Such generous community support from Giving Tuesday will provide the Hancock Trails Club with the financial resources to continue improving the Maasto Hiihto/Churning Rapids trail system with other similar projects. 

President Jay Green (left) and Treasurer John Diebel (right) are shown above being presented with a check from the November Giving Tuesday Campaign

Posted on in General.

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Hancock Trails Club