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New Trail Opens Near Tomasi Trailhead

Thanks to dedicated volunteers and a huge in-kind donation of equipment and operators by Wuebben Construction, the Hancock Trails Club has re-opened a ski trail as an alternative to skiing on Tomasi Road. This is the first phase in moving the trail completely off the road next year.

"A big shout-out to Wuebben Construction for making this happen in such a short amount of time while the weather window remained open," said John Diebel, Hancock Trails Club board member.

The new trail starts just north of the intersection of the Tomasi Loop and the snowmobile trail, near the Tomasi Road trailhead. It rejoins Tomasi Road just above the Swedetown Creek crossing in order to use the bridge over the creek.

"This will mostly keep us off of Tomasi Road," Diebel pointed out. "Next summer the plan is to add a new bridge over Swedetown Creek that will eliminate our reliance on the road bridge.

This marks the fourth new trail built this season on Churning Rapids and Maasto Hiihto, joining the Skyway, Basswood Highlands, and High Point Pass trails.

portion of map

Posted on in General, Trail News.

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Hancock Trails Club